Registration of grandfathered guns is now gone. Q: Do I need to register a regulated firearm that I bought as regulated (ie, with a form 77r) within the state of Maryland?Ī: No. The MSP has an "interesting" take on trusts where the trustee who filled out the form is considered, for all intents and purposes, the owner. Q: Can I avoid any of this with a Maryland Gun Trust?Ī: Probably not. The text doesn't seem to distinguish between out of state or in-state. Inheritance is one of the carve-outs, provided the firearm was lawfully owned by the deceased. Q: Can my kids inherit my banned firearms?Ī: Yes. The original SB281 text was ambiguous about this, but the current text makes it very clear that transport is fine.

Q: Are there any transport issues with grandfathered guns?Ī: No. You are not able to receive >10rd mags that come with a transfer that started pre-10/1. There is no ban on possession with magazines. Q: Can I keep mags with a greater than 10rd capacity?Ī: Yes. However, to quote a great man, the burden of your defense attorney is on you. Q: How do I prove I owned a gun prior to October 2013?Ī: You don't need to. Whenever this FAQ mentions "banned", assume the gun can be grandfathered! If you own it, or it's in MSP wait hell, or you even just have it on order (KEEP THE RECEIPT), you should be good to go. Registration of grandfathered guns was removed in the House amendments. General Provisions General Ownership InformationĪ: No, provided the banned guns were in your possession or has a purchase order for, or completed an application to purchase, in otherwise-banned configurations before October 1, 2013.